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With over 100+ years of collective experience in the industry, AXIOM GROUP has built a reputation for delivering top-notch services and innovative solutions to help you achieve your goals.

Our expertise in copper exploration covers a wide range of systems, including Porphyry, IOCG, Epithermal/Mesothermal systems, Sediment-hosted, Vein-hosted, Intrusion related systems (IRGS), Carlin, Orogenic, Manto/Carbonate hosted Au/Cu systems, Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide systems, Exhalative Sediment Hosted, and Mississippi Valley Type (MVT).

No matter what type of exploration project you have in mind, we have the know-how and resources to get it done right.

From turnkey grassroots programs to advanced stages, we have you covered. Our services include everything from sediment/till sampling, prospecting, mapping, resource definition, site visits, and multi-drill program management. We also provide Due
Diligence Reports and Mineral Property Evaluations compliant with regional standards such as JORC, NI 43-101, and SAMREC.

Our commitment to innovation sets us apart from other mid-size consulting companies across the globe. We utilize cutting-edge technology to solve typical data collection issues, such as satellite spectral innovations that enable junior companies to target specific mineralization or highlight new areas of interest efficiently. Using portable XRF, Terra Spec 4, we also offer ground geochemical and spectral evaluations.

Our dedication to integrated geoscience and value-add services is second to none. With Spectral and Geophysics divisions in-house, we can provide seamless solutions and keep you updated on all aspects of your project. We utilize new workflows using programs like Leapfrog and ioGAS to re-explore old geochemical data or hyperspectral data for re-interpretations and potentially new discoveries.
When you choose Axiom Group as your partner, you can rest assured that you’re working with a team of professionals passionate about the Copper commodity industry and committed to your success.

Copper-Specific Service Offerings
  • 3-in-1 Geophysical Helicopter-borne surveys
    Helicopter-borne surveys such as Gradient Aeromagnetic/Radiometrics/LiDAR/TDEM/Gravity assist in identifying regional structural trends, localized controls on geochemical systems, delineate rheological contacts.
  • Land Management
    Building on our relationship with the governing regulatory agencies, Axiom is a leading expert in managing mineral dispositions for acquisitions, agreements and assessment evaluations.
  • Geoscience Modeling
    With a wealth of experienced uranium geologists, Axiom is the choice for detailed, focused geological, geophysical and geochemical compilations.
  • Hyperspectral Analysis:
    Satellite data acquisition and analysis including but not limited to: Multispectral and Hyperspectral – Aperture Radar, Sentinel, Aster). Axiom has a large spectral mineral library and proprietary processing algorithms that have proven to be a valuable macro vectoring tool. We can also combine our analysis with AI, ML, and DL to create analogues of proximal/known successes and search for those features on the property of interest. Axiom also has a Terra Spec 4 to accommodate hyperspectral analysis and interpretation for both drill and field programs.
  • Portable Spectral Analysis Capabilities:
    AXIOM employs the TerraSpec Analyzer and XRF technology, complemented by ioGAS software, for efficient and accurate identification of elemental composition and essential mineralogy in the field.
  • XRF Geochemical Analysis:
    Utilizing a Portable XRF on programs can deliver “live stream results” for drill core, hand sample, and even soil sampling. This can aid in programs for future vectoring, identify key geochemical alterations or cryptic lithological boundaries, as well as investigating previously overlooked areas.
  • Geological Field Services:
    • Exploration program design and management
    • Contract geologists, project managers and geological technicians
    • Drill target design and development
    • Surficial/subsurface geological mapping
    • Core logging and sampling
    • Procurement, drill contracting and service provider management
    • Prospecting, field sampling, claim staking, and portable XRF geochemical analysis
    • Advanced spectral analysis using TerraSpec Analyzer, XRF, and ioGAS software
  • Geophysical Services:
    • Aeromagnetic surveys including helicopter Time Domain EM (TDEM), helicopter-borne Tri-Axial Gradiometer Mag, UAV Total Field Mag, Terrestrial/Walking Mag
    • LiDAR and Multispectral Imagery
    • Loupe portable TDEM
    • Satellite data acquisition and analysis (e.g., Multispectral and hyperspectral – Aperture Radar, Sentinel, Aster)
    • Airborne Radiometric survey and Airborne Gravimeter
    • Other geophysical and remote sensing techniques
  • Technical Services:
    • Assessment reports and filings
    • NI 43-101, Samrec and Jorc compliant
    • Property evaluations
    • Data compilation, conversion, and interpretation
    • Database management and validation
    • Production reconciliation
    • Geostatistical analyses
    • Policy and procedure creation generation/implementation
    • Resource modelling, estimation and classification
    • 3D model creation
    • Lithological
    • Structural
    • Geochemical
    • Mineralization

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