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We embrace creativity, individuality and innovation.

Since our inception as an employee-owned company in 2011, Axiom Group has been at the forefront of empowering clients in the geological, environmental, and engineering sectors. An ethos of collaborative stewardship continues to drive our actions today. We see ourselves as more than just consultants; we’re your partner in cultivating the curiosity and creativity that drive humans to explore in the first place. We’re your collaborative ally, capable of expertly navigating uncertainties in the modern landscape to achieve your project goals, no matter how rigorous your requirements. We’re your conscientious counsel, as concerned as you are about the future of our planet and its resources.

Our global experience, particularly in demanding environments, ensures Axiom is equipped to tackle your most perplexing problems with confidence. Whether it’s resource modeling, environmental impact assessments, communicating to diverse stakeholders or advanced geophysics and geomatics solutions, we equip you with comprehensive, state-of-the-art support, leveraging the latest in technology and advanced analytics, to bring new perspective to your most complex projects. Our commitment transcends conventional service delivery; we aim to be the catalyst for your next transformative discovery.


Our culture is our why


Axiom is committed to delivering specialized services that transform complex challenges into breakthrough opportunities. By fostering a company-wide growth mindset, we incentivize continual innovation, efficiencies, and shared knowledge. Our mission is to help clients view their projects and the industry in unique ways, driving success through collaboration and technological advancement.


We envision Axiom as the leading technical service company for the natural resource sector, co-creating adaptive and innovative solutions with community, clients, and industry. Our vision guides us to explore new frontiers, pushing the boundaries of science and technology to achieve transformative results.



We operate with honesty and ethics, ensuring our relationships and operations are conducted with the highest ethical standards.


Our services are designed around the needs of our clients, ensuring we provide tailored solutions that meet or exceed their expectations.


Axiom thrives on collaboration, believing that our collective success is as vital as individual achievements.


Our growth mindset drives us to seek constant improvements and innovative solutions for our clients and the industry.


We are quick and flexible in responding to the changing needs of our industry, the economy, and our clients.


We maintain a culture of honesty, fairness, and transparency, valuing every team member's opinion and fostering an inclusive environment.

Community Stewardship

Our commitment to environmental and social outcomes benefits the communities where we live and work, embodying our dedication to sustainable and responsible operations.

Why Choose Axiom Group

Choosing Axiom Group means partnering with a team that is not just a consultant but a collaborator and ally in navigating the complexities of geological, environmental, and engineering projects.

Our unique blend of comprehensive services, cutting-edge technology, and extensive expertise ensures that we deliver not only technical excellence but also adaptability, sustainability, and deep understanding in every project. We are committed to transforming your exploration challenges into opportunities, driving your project toward unprecedented success with safety, quality, and community stewardship at the forefront of our operations.

Contact Us to learn how Axiom Group can be your strategic partner in achieving your project goals and setting new standards in the natural resource sector.

Trusted by Industry Leaders

We're better

Become a client

Partner with us and gain access to cutting-edge solutions and dedicated expertise tailored to your unique needs, ensuring your project’s success with innovation, precision, and sustainability.

Contact Us

Design your career

Join Axiom Group, where passion meets expertise. Our work isn’t just about meeting goals; it’s about exceeding them with innovation, integrity, and a deep respect for the environments and communities we serve.

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Axiom Group
Suite 101, 3239 Faithfull Ave
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 8H4
